integration with gitlab

Compilation outputs (stdout, stderr)

Compilation outputs allow attackers to leak data from inside of the execution environment. This also applies the cachepot server provided sandbox and as such nothing of the CI environment should be deemed s3cr1t.

As the way cachepot client works, is that it's provided to cargo via RUSTC_WRAPPER=cachepot, therefore compilations will be executed on cachepot-dist server, but and invocations with uncachable elements are still being run on the client on the gitlab runner's executor. As such, the security concerns for the gitlab worker are still to be kept high!

cachepot-dist server and cachepot-dist scheduler is a distinct service, therefore can run on another machine/instance.

Interaction Graph

             |                      |
             |  +-----------------+ |
             |  |                 | |
             |  | parsing ci.yml  | |
             |  |                 | |
             |  +-----------------+ |
             |                      |
             | <instance> |
|                                                   |   (In future we may
| +-(always-fresh container) execution-of-CI/CD--+  |   consider option
| |                                              |  |   ofcachepot client
| |                                              |  |   connecting from
| |          1st. fetch dependencies             |  |   employees machines)
| |                                              |  |
| | +---------------(optional)-----------------+ |  |
| | |       (restricting to be considered)     | |  |   here only "get"/"read" ACL
| | | 2. cargo build without internet access   | |  |    to cache
| | |                                          | |  |             as this container
| | | except for                            <------------<-----+  may be modified
| | | cachepot client <-> scheduler, server    | |  |          |  by
| | |      ^                     ^  cache "get"| |  |          |  gitlab-ci.yml
| | +------------------------------------------+ |  |          |
| |        |                     |               |  |          |  proc-macros
| +----------------------------------------------+  |          |
|          |                     |                  |          |
|          |    gitlab runner    |                  |          ^
|          |                     |                  |          |
+---------------------------------------------------+          |
           |                     |                             |
           |                     |                             |
           |                     |                             |
           |                     |                             |
           |                     v                             ^
           |                +----+---------------+          get|
           |                |                    |             |
           |                | cachepot scheduler |             |
           |                |                    |     +-------+---------+
           |                +---+----------------+     |                 |
           |                    ^                      |                 |
           |                    |                      | s3-like cache   |
           |                    |                      |                 |
           |                    |                      |                 |
           v                    v                      |                 |
+----------+--------------------+--------+             +-----------------+
|                                        |
|                                        |                   put,get
|         container/sandbox              |                     ^
|   +---------(bubblewrap)--------+      |                     |
|   |(no internet,very restricted)|      |                     |
|   |                             |      |                     |
|   |                             |      |                     |
|   |    rustc etc.               |      |                     |
|   |                             |      |                     |
|   |                             |      |                     |
|   |                             |      |                     |
|   +-----------------------------+      |                     |
|                                        |                     |
|                                        +<--------------------+
|  cachepot server                       |
|                                        |
|                                        |